Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Summer (Pregnancy) Wardrobe

Summer is in full swing (actually, it has been for a while now) and as my belly expands (20 weeks along now!), my wardrobe decreases in the things that I am still able to fit into.

One thing that has been a lifesaver is my BellaBand. I love it because it allows me to still wear my regular jeans and shorts, which also saves me $$! I own two of them and would definitely recommend them to expectant moms out there! :)

Also, lately I've resorted to living in long t-shirts and stretchy waistband shorts...and to make it not so boring, I've been finding ways to these:

Summer 2009

Summer 2009 by cbraden7 featuring Coach accessories


Anonymous said...

cute! my mom said they're having a 75% off sale at mimi maternity, so i will be swinging by there this weekend!

Casey said...

Thanks for the heads up! :)

Fresh and Fit Family said...

Kohl's also had a cute section, not that I was shopping there. I want to see pictures of you in your cute summer pregnant attire!