Baby Braden is 19 weeks along and doing just fine. I had an ultrasound yesterday afternoon, so we got to see our little 10 ouncer and (wow!) it was AMAZING! :) I can't wait to meet our little one sometime at the end of November (due date is Nov. 23rd.)!

I've had a relatively easy pregnancy so far...just the usual tiredness and nausea. But it's been smooth sailing since I've hit the 2nd trimester...and my tummy is just starting to pop out a bit. Here's me at 7 weeks:

19 weeks
I know you're dying to know if we're having a boy or a girl, but just for fun...
So, so fun, gCasey! Can't wait to meet baby B!
How cute are you...I love your cute belly. At first I saw the first picture and thought that was how big you are now, and then I saw the 7 weeks. I'm glad you posted and we'll continue to pray for a good, healthy, and easy pregnancy! Can't wait to find out in November if it's a girl or boy :)
you are so cute!
All the best to you. Hope you are feeling great!
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