We started the weekend out right with a suprise 50th Birthday party for my mom. My dad and I had been (trying) to plan the thing for months but when it got down to the last few weeks until the party, we were scrambling. Thankfully my mom's girlfriends were there to help us otherwise I'm not entirely sure we would have pulled the "suprise" part of the party off.
So picture a garage FULL of people waiting for the Birthday girl to get to the house:
When mom arrived she was totally suprised (she didn't really want a party in the first place, but come on! You HAVE to have a party when you turn 50!):
We had a BBQ feast and everyone brought a side dish:
Oh! And I can't forget to mention the obstacle course!!! The guys all dressed up in work-out gear (Richard Simmons would be proud)....so that explains the short shorts and shirts:

Here's mom with the birthday cake:

Then on Sunday, Braden and I took off to the Lake of the Ozarks for 5 days with Braden's parents and brothers.
We celebrated Diane's Birthday. Here's a picture of her and the boys:
Oh! And I got to see my bestest friend Kristen who now lives in Arkansas with her husband...that was a rare treat for sure! :)
So! That's what we've been up to lately...makes me tired just thinking about all of the stuff we crammed into that week....seems like I always need a vacation after vacation! Whew! :)
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