Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Weekend trip to Cincy

Yay for 3 day weekends!

We made another trip up to Cincinnati after Braden got off work at Panera on Saturday afternoon. We just like to get away every once in a while and have some fun exploring new places. Some highlights were that we got to go to IKEA! We didn't get anything noteworthy, just a few household items and a few deals that couldn't be passed up! :)
And Braden found some half price tickets for a Cincinnati Reds baseball game on Memorial Day. Here's a few pictures right outside the stadium.

Our seats were great! Right down the first base line. Braden is the best deal finder! :)It did end up raining and the game got delayed...but it didn't spoil our fun. We stayed dry with our rain ponchos:

So, even though we weren't with our families or having a BBQ, we had a great Memorial Weekend, just the two of us. :)


Brenda said...

We missed you both but it definitely looked like a fun weekend......... see you soon!

Anonymous said...

what a fun mini vacation! zack and i went up there one weekend and went to a reds game as well. we got some cheap tickets...its the way to go! looks like you guys had a great time...even in the rain!

Anonymous said...

what!?! in november...does that mean what i think it means???