Monday, September 15, 2008

Power Outage!

We've been without power since about 1:30 yesterday afternoon due to a huge windstorm that hit us in the Kentuckiana area. Winds as high as 75 mph swept over leaving many trees, power lines, etc. down. They've been saying on the news that around 301,000 people have been without power and they've recently restored around 100,000.
Worst case senario is that we'll be without power for 10-14 days. That's crazy! I can barely funtion right now, and it's only been 24 hours!
We have no lights, stove, microwave, nothing...and I keep telling myself that we are so blessed to still have a roof over our heads and our own bed to sleep in. My prayers (click here) are with those in Texas, where the storm hit way worse than us here.


Beth said...

I hope you get your power back soon. That must stink!!! I would love to see your running plan. It's going to kill me, but it's fun to have something to challenge you. Thanks again!!

G. said...

sorry you don't have power. I hope it doesn't go on for as long as you said! How are you blogging?

Anonymous said...

isn't this crazy??? we still don't have power either. but our water heater is run on gas, so at least we've had a hot shower. last night it was in the dark, by candle light, which was kind of weird. i had to come to work early this morning to get ready in the bathroom!!!

glad to hear you guys are ok too. swi is cancelled this week!

Beth said...

Craziness! We're in WV for a few days (back on Friday). Check out the pictures on my blog....

Anonymous said...

Wow - I can't imagine being without power for that long. Sounds like you have the right attitude though.

Anonymous said...

yes! let's write a book :) so you've taken up knitting? i love to knit! we'll have to get together and do that sometime. where do you work that gives you a free flashlight and bag of ice? i want to go there...