Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Home Sweet Home

An update for all my faithful blog readers....I made it home to my parent's house safely, thanks to Frontier Airlines, on Monday afternoon. Braden is still driving as I write, he's almost to Springfield, MO...after that it's about 4 hours to here in St. Peters. A friend that already lives in Louisville checked out the apartment we have reserved at River Hill...he said it look fine and has brand new carpet, so that was good to hear. We'll move in tomorrow afternoon.

In the meantime, I've been having fun with family and have been visiting my old friends. Here are some pictures:
me with some of my girlfriendsbrother Skyler and our dog Buddysister Miranda and Ifriend Kristen and Ifriend Emily and I
daddy, me, and mommy
sister Kendra and I


Anonymous said...

YAY an update! Glad to hear you arrived safely, and had time to visit with friends and family. I ate at Stonefire yesterday and thought of you two!

Can't wait to see pictures of Louisville, and your apt... we'll be right there :)

Anonymous said...

oh and you need to change the subtitle to your blog now :)

(my email address is my first and last name at all one word.)