Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Round 3

Round 3 Braden picked up the Hackmanns from Long Beach airport and we all went straight to In and Out Burger. It's a California thing...you'd have to try it to understand how great it is. haha!
Friday we did the LA tour again....Hollywood Walk of Fame where there is always something interesting to see:

The Grove:

We had lunch at the Farmer's Market in The Grove: Santa Monica Beach/Peir:
We also did some shopping in Santa Monica, then later we ate at our favorite restaurant, Stonefire Grill. Got some good Tri Tip (another one of those things that only CA has), chicken, pizza, and salad.
Saturday we hit up Zuma Beach in Malibu. We drove along the Pacific Coast Highway to get there. Everyone who lives in California says that you have to drive that highway sometime when you're out here, and I agree...it was beautiful.

Sunday we went to church and then BBQed down by the pool of our apartment complex. Casey and Alicia came over too and we made it a feast of steak, brats, asparagus, corn on the cob, and brownies. That concludes our adventures with our guests....time for some much needed rest.....


Anonymous said...

Hi Casey...thanks for blogging. You are a good writer and I enjoy reading what you have to say. I love you!

Anonymous said...

you guys have been down to hollywood more this month than most californians ever have. i love it :o)

we'll have to bbq with kyle and kim again when we're in ky. and then lots more after we convince them to join us...