Friday, March 27, 2009

I'm so spoiled!

Last weekend I went home to St. Louis with my friend Leah and her doggie, Spike. Both of our husbands we're too busy to go with work and school, so we made it a girl's (and Spike) trip. The weekend went by fast and I stayed busy hanging out with my family. When I returned home to my husband, these were sitting on the table for me:
along with a sweet note and a clean apartment with a pantry/fridge full of groceries! I am soooo spoiled, I know. And yes, I have the best husband in the world! Just thought you should know. :)


Delaine said...

Jealous!!!!!!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

that is SO sweet!

don't forget to swing by and sign up to win this week's Free Giveaway Friday!

Beth said...

You are a lucky girl! :)