Friday, February 20, 2009


I've had alot more free time lately (since quitting my job! lol!) so to show that I have been somewhat productive with my time, here is a post of some of the projects I've been working on...of course besides keeping the apt. clean, making dinner every night, being able to hit the gym more than 3 times a week, etc. etc. etc. ( I watched The King and I last week). So basically this is a "look what I can do" post. Sorry if it bores you, but I'm proud of, you probably wouldn't be reading this if you weren't bored already anyways!

Ok, well my first project to show you started with these:Old, scrap fabric that I cut into about 1 1/2" strips. Then I crocheted into this:An adorable rug that would look so cute in a little girl's room...I'm still deciding weather I want to sell it in my etsy shop or not.

Next is SOCKS! Yes! I can knit socks...well, I haven't made the twin for this one yet: It's actually not as hard as I thought it would be...although, I did have to watch a few YouTube videos when I got stuck on some stitches that I had never done before. Here's what it looks like in progress, yarn and needles everywhere! : )And lastly, the blanket that I am crocheting for Grandma Mary. Her favorite color is blue, and I swear everything in her house has some shade of blue on why not add some more! : )I'm hoping to finish before it gets too warm outside...if not, she'll have it for next season.
Guess that's all for now! : )
Update: Idea for rag rug here, knit sock pattern is from a book I got at the library called "Easy Knitted Socks" by Jeanette Trotman, and the blue crocheted blanket pattern here


Anonymous said...

so so cool!!

Anonymous said...

ya, the rug made me a follower! haha.. i'm not sure if i found you through another blog i follow or randomly, but i really like the stuff you make and wanted to see what else you come up with. following blogs has become my escape when reading the news online becomes too depressing. :-)