Saturday, March 8, 2008

A snow day!

Starting yesterday afternoon the snow began to fall....and it didn't stop until this morning. We got about 7 inches or so. My bestest friend Kristen and her fiance Scott were supposed to come in town from St. Louis to visit, but I had to call them early this morning to tell them they better stay home...the people on the news were saying 64 in IN was pretty bad still.

Braden and I along with boy Casey and Alicia played in the snow for a couple hours exploring, building, and having fun! : )
These are for you mom!


Anonymous said...

such a fun day.
i wanna do it again!
...when i'm done being pg, so that i can jump down hills and stuff.

cb said...

that's my favorite picture of Braden

Brenda said...

Case...send them to my email address because you know i have a folder of your pictures on my computer and I must add these. LOL
BTW I loved them. Miss you and
can't wait til April...Hugs