Apples, apples, apples! All day on Sunday I stayed busy making apple butter and canning it. It actually wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. First you take the apples:

Peel, slice, core:

In a large pot add apples with cider, sugar, cinnamon, and some other spices:

Simmer for several hours, until it looks like this:

The canning process was the hardest part, but well worth it:

I've also made apple bread, which I highly reccommend! It's soooo good! I've already made 7 loaves. Don't worry, we're not eating all of them....I'm sharing with people at my work.
Right now the last batch of apple bread is in the apt. smells so yummy!

Oh, and I still have MORE apples...I guess next it'll be apple crisp, or apple pie....apples, apples, apples!
oh my gosh, this is like a dream to me - I love apples and all that is created from them. Especially apple bread. YUM!
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