Sunday, April 17, 2011

Bitty Hat

A few weeks ago I purchase some yarn on sale from Darn Good Yarn. This yarn is great! Not only is it this yarn spun and hand-dyed for a good cause, it is also really great to work with. I knew I wanted to make a couple baby hats from it so I set to work making my own pattern. This hat works up super fast using this bulky yarn and should fit a baby anywhere from 0-3 months old, I'd say...depending on baby's noggin size :)Here it is:

CO 36 onto size 13 dpns

Knit for about 5" (approx. 17 rows)

Start decreases:

k4, k 2tog; repeat around k 1 round

k3, k2tog; repeat around

k 1 round

k2, k2tog; repeat around

k 1 round

k1, k2tog; repeat around k 1 round

k2tog; repeat around

k2tog; repeat around

You should now have only 2 st left.

k an i-cord long enough to tie a knot in

Bind off.

[Ravelry link]

Sound easy? Well, it is! Happy knitting :)

P.S. I don't mind if you make these hats to sell or give to friends/family, just please link back and give credit to where credit is due. Thanks!


  1. Anonymous1:46 AM

    must have knit all thru back loop to get the look of the st. ?

    Darling hat!
    Susie in Phx

  2. Susie, I rolled the hat's brim a tad to give it that look. I didn't knit through the back loop. Thanks :)
