Saturday, June 26, 2010

25th B-day

Yesterday was my Birthday and that usually means that Braden has a secret day-trip planned. This year was no different. Braden took us to Bernheim Forest in Bardstown, Kentucky...well, I like to call it Bernheim "Forest"...emphasis on the quotation marks. I know what a forest in Colorado or in the was more like a Busch's Wildlife (for my family and friends in MO)...too much open space to be a forest. Regardless of the discrepancy I have with the name, it was a beautiful park and there was plenty to see and do.
We "hiked" (is it really considered hiking if you can take a stroller with you?) several trails:...and checked out the "Tree Canopy" overlook...pretty fun stuff.
Bonus = working out on my Birthday...and being able to do it with two of my favorite people! :) Side note: If I would have known about this surprise trip in advance, I would totally have borrowed a baby carrier! haha! We had a great time regardless and I definitely want to go back this fall when the trees start to change color :)

On our way back to Louisville, we stopped by the Zappos outlet! What girl doesn't love a good shoe store...especially if the shoes are discounted!?! I (finally) found some heels to wear to my brother's wedding that is coming up in a few short weeks...and only spent $18.00!

The day ended with a late dinner of pizza (it's tradition to have pizza!) and a piece of cheesecake, Brownie Sundae, from Cheesecake Factory! Yum! mom had given me a $75.00 giftcard to Cheesecake Factory last year and instead of using it to get a couple of nice meals out, we used every cent to go there at least a dozen times to get cheesecake! Mind you, I was pregnant and we would only get one piece at a time and split it...haha, yeah, that still doesn't make up for the fact that I ended up gaining 40 pounds during my pregnancy!

Overall, my 25th Birthday was splendid! Oh, and I didn't die from just typing 2 5! Ugh, yes I know it's not "old", but it's one year closer to 30...and 30 is old in my book.


  1. Hahaha Casey! When I turned 25 (4 years ago-ahhhh) I freaked out. I kept telling Andy I was half way to thirty which was so old. He kindly reminded me that I was half way to 50! I feel your pain (imagine how I feel now!) :)

  2. haha! thanks megan! your husband is totally right! :)
