Friday, May 22, 2009

Yes to Carrots

My mom told me about this stuff and I love totally love it! It's called Yes to's my current favorite body butter. My skin gets so dry from all the shaving that comes with the warmer weather and this stuff does the trick to keep the dryness away and it smells fresh too.

I got mine at Walgreens at the end of last year when it was on sale for a dollar (what a steal! I bought 3.) but normally I think it is a bit pricey...which is unfortunate because now I'm hooked! You can find more info about their products here, which include Yes to Cucumbers and Yes to Tomatoes, depending on your skin type.

I'm just a little upset that there is no review on my newest addiction Skin Deep. It's a website that tells you exactly what is in your skincare products and rates them on a scale of 1-10 on how hazardous they are for you (kinda scary huh?).

So, what's your favorite body butter/lotion?


  1. i use their conditioner/shampoo. it's GREAT.

  2. i'll have to try that next!

  3. Glad you said Yes! to mom's suggestion and fell in love with our Yes To Carrots Body Butter.

    We'd love to send you some free samples, just as a way of saying thanks.

    If you don't mind, fill out the form here:

  4. I've been using their shampoo/conditioner for a while now and it's wonderful! I'll have to try their body butter :) (I love Skin Deep too!)
